Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Buddy, Babycakes, and Beauty

I know, I know...lack of posting. Sorry to all my faithful readers (Ha). It has been busy, busy, busy lately. Among various other aspects of life, Slade started soccer, Spencer continues to be on the go with Taekwondo and a non-stop run towards life in general, and Scarlet is walking/toddling around. The days keep coming, as they should, one right after another, and I am currently in the countdown to the last day of school (there are only 24 days left until the end!) so that I can enjoy my time, my kids, my husband, and SUMMER!

Stefan is still job searching, so if you know of any jobs available, please call! However, one job he did not expect to have full-time, I bet, is that of full-time stay-at-home-dad. Let me tell you, the man is impressive, and I am OH SO THANKFUL for him. He has lightened my load considerably, and I know that my friends and co-workers are probably imagining my slow death when I honestly tell them that I haven't done a load of laundry, cooked a meal, or cleaned the house (unless I wanted to) since mid-January. I know that our family is actually benefitting from his time off, and we continue to trust our Provider to take care of us. We refuse to worry. (Yes, it's hard).
These next pictures are a direct reflection of the title of this post. I try to have their pictures taken on Sundays BEFORE church, so I can leave them in their nice clothes, we don't have to make an additional 40-minute trip to the photography studio, and the kids are usually in a good mood at that time. All of these were true this time, except Scarlet was a little testy, and so what I thought were the best shots and poses didn't make the cut because she was fussing a bit. I used the opportunity to have both Scarlet's 1 year pictures taken as well as Spring pictures for all three of my kids.

1 comment:

Julie Barb said...

I love their pictures...they turned out very nice. Scarlett looks so cute in her dress..I love both of her outfits:)